Z uncher is different compared to many other Android home replacements, especially when it comes to accessing your apps. There is a small icon at the bottom of the main screen that shows all of your apps in a list, but a (somewhat) quicker way to get to the app is to draw a letter on the home screen to bring up apps content beginning with that letter.  Given that it’s in pre-beta status, it’s not surprising that  Z uncher is severely lacking in features. It lacks the flexibility of even the most simple of home replacement applications, but it’s novelty may be enough to at least give it a try. It’s predictive nature is definitely interesting, as it will get better at guessing what app you want to use, based on time location, over time.    According to the Z uncher website, official support is limited to the Nexus 5, Samsung Galaxy S3, Galaxy S4, Galaxy S5. I was also able to install it on the HTC One (M8) ay ition the G2. The G2 I installed the app on was rooted, which kept Z uncher from opening.  Keep eye out for Z uncher, as Nokia will bring more device support features in the future. Until then, it’s a novel but severely lacking home replacement app that you’ll probably get bored with quickly.